CAS:65603-19-2;Octadecyl Rhodamine B Chloride (R18) 十八烷基罗丹明B氯盐

Octadecyl Rhodamine B(R18);Membrane fusion assays;Self-quenching 自淬灭;DiO (DiOC18(3));CAS:65603-19-2;


  产品名称 CAS NO. 规格
  Octadecyl Rhodamine B Chloride (R18) 65603-19-2 10mg


十八烷基罗丹明B(Octadecyl Rhodamine B,R18)是一种亲脂性探针,与膜结合后,其荧光团位于水相层,而烷基尾伸入脂质内层。十八烷基罗丹明B在高浓度时荧光被淬灭,一旦浓度稀释后,荧光逐渐释放出来,这一特征使其成为膜融合研究(Membrane fusion assays)的绝佳探针。

本品是十八烷基罗丹明B的氯盐形式(Octadecyl Rhodamine B Chloride),CAS:65603-19-2。基于该探针的自淬灭实验(Self-quenching assay)广泛用于病毒-细胞融合检测。

工作原理(十八烷基罗丹明R18自淬灭实验,Octadecyl Rhodamine B Self-Quenching)

当探针插入脂质膜(1–10 mole percent)发生荧光自淬灭。不溶于磷脂类似物,R18能轻易插入膜内。当与未标记的膜发生融合,探针浓度被稀释,伴随着逐渐释放和增高的荧光信号(Ex/Em=560/590nm)。

Fig.1 Pictorial representation of a lipid-mixing assay based on fluorescence self-quenching. Fluorescence of octadecyl rhodamine B, incorporated at >1:100 with respect to host membrane lipids, is quenched due to dye–dye interactions. Fusion with unlabeled membranes causes dispersion of the probe, resulting in a fluorescence increase that is represented here by a color change from black to green.


1) CAS NO:65603-19-2

2) 同义名:Xanthylium, 3,6-bis(diethylamino)-9-(2-octadecyloxy)carbonyl)phenyl, chloride; R18;

3) 分子式:C46H67ClN2O3

4) 分子量:731.50g/mol

5) 外观:紫色至红色固体

6) 溶解性:溶于DMSO或乙醇

7) Ex/Em:556/578 nm(MeOH)

8) 化学结构式:






文献1,Jun Y et al. Assays of vacuole fusion resolve the stages of docking, lipid mixing, and content mixing. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Aug 7;104(32):13010-5.

实验方法(Method):Lipid Mixing Assay Using Octadecyl Rhodamine B (R18) Dequenching

实验对象(Target):Freshly prepared BJ3505 vacuoles (300 μg)

使用浓度(Concentration):R18 dissolved in ethanol, final concentration 150 μM


文献2,Cobaleda C et al. Fusion between Newcastle disease virus and erythrocyte ghosts using octadecyl Rhodamine B fluorescence assay produces dequenching curves that fit the sum of two exponentials.Biochem J. 1994 Jun 1;300 ( Pt 2):347-54.

实验方法(Method):Fusion assays of R,1-iabelled NDV with erythrocyte ghosts

实验对象(Target):Newcastle disease virus (NDV)

使用浓度(Concentration):10μl of a fresh ethanolic solution containing 300nM R18


文献3,Ujike M et al.Influence of acylation sites of influenza B virus hemagglutinin on fusion pore formation and dilation. J Virol. 2004 Nov;78(21):11536-43.

实验方法(Method):Fusion assay

实验对象(Target):human red blood cells (HRBCs)&Cos cells expressing HA

使用浓度(Concentration):HRBCs labeled with 5.0 μl of R18 (2 mM in ethanol)




产品名称 产品编号 规格 价格(元)
Octadecyl Rhodamine B Chloride (R18) MX4013-10MG 10mg
DiO (DiOC18(3)) 细胞膜绿色荧光探针 MX4001-25MG 25mg
DiI (DiIC18(3)) 细胞膜橙红色荧光探针 MX4002-10MG 10mg
DiD Perchlorate (DiIC18(5)) 细胞膜红色荧光探针 MX4004-25MG 25mg
DiR Iodide (DiIC18(7)) 细胞膜深红色荧光探针 MX4005-25MG 25mg