Catalog ID
Optimized for transient gene expression, and production of viral vectors and recombinant proteins.
BalanCD HEK293 medium is a versatile, chemically-defined, animal component-free medium optimized for transfection and production of viral vectors and recombinant proteins.
One medium supports multiple applications including:
- Rapid, scalable production of viral vectors for gene therapy (adeno-associated viruses (AAV), lentiviruses)
- Transient protein expression and recombinant protein production to gram-scale yields
Formulated for versatility and ease-of-use:
- Use the same growth medium for seeding, transfection and production
- Scalable protocol for use in flasks, spinner flasks and bioreactors
- Add complementary BalanCD HEK293 Feed and/or Anti-Clumping Supplement to maximize growth and titer
Fulfills regulatory requirements:
- Chemically-defined, animal-component free
- Drug Master File (DMF) filed with US FDA
Also available as Powder: .
Simple, scalable protocol supports cell growth and increases yield of lentiviral vector
Increase protein yield compared to other commercially-available media
上海金畔生物代理FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific富士胶片欧文科技细胞培养基,部分现货,量多优惠,欢迎来电咨询18301939375!
FUJIFILM Irvine Scientific富士胶片欧文科技特色产品
BalanCD™ CHO Platform/培养基平台
BalanCD™ HEK293 培养基平台
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