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The Swift 6.0 is a multi-function Air Flow Meter specifically designed for accurate low rate measurements. The device’s easy-to-read display shows flow rate, flow temperature, and ambient pressure. Flow measurements are traceable to our NIST standard and certification is provided with each unit. The Swift 6.0 is a truly portable device weighing only 12 oz, with size dimensions of only 2.75 in. x 3.75 in. x 1.25 in.. Met One’s Swift 6.0 comes complete with a portable kit carry case, including flow adapters and a power cable for USB charging.
The Swift 6.0 is ideal for use with:
- E-Sampler Dual Ambient Monitor/Sampler
- ES-405 4-Channel Simultaneous Particulate Profiler
- ES-412 2-Channel Extra Portable Simultaneous Particulate Profiler
- ES-642 Remote Dust Monitor
- NPM 3 Network Particulate Monitor
- BC 1054 Black Carbon Analyzer
- BC-1060 Portable Black Carbon Monitor
- DR-528 8-Channel Handheld Particle Counter
- Aerocet 532 Handheld Particle Monitor
- Aerocet 831 Handheld Aerosol Mass Monitor
- GT-521S Handheld Particle Counter
- GT-324 Handheld Particle Counter
- Model 804 Handheld Particle Counter
- BT-610 Benchtop Particle Counter
- For a complete list, please contact SALES@metone.com